Khandwa: The watchman who stabbed a 20-year-old tribal girl with a knife in Bangarda village of Khandwa district of Madhya Pradesh. Now the body of the same accused has been recovered. According to the information, the body of the accused was found in the back water of Indira Sagar Dam, accused Bablu entered the victim’s house in Bangarda, Khandwa and attacked him, after which he was absconding.

In the attack, he has been admitted to the government hospital in a serious condition. The injured girl is fighting for her life. He is being treated in the district hospital. Khandwa SP Vivek Singh said that this morning information was received that his (Bablu) body was found in the backwater of the dam, prima facie it looks like suicide but full details will be available only after postmortem.According to the information, the girl was attacked by the watchman Bablu (a tribal man of her age) when the girl and her sister were present in the house itself. It is being said that the girl had turned down the marriage proposal of the man. After which he carried out this incident.The condition of the girl is said to be critical due to deep wounds in her neck and hand. After the death of his chowkidar father a few months back, Bablu was appointed a village watchman on compassionate grounds. According to Khandwa district superintendent of police Vivek Singh, “Despite a surgery by doctors, the girl’s condition remains critical.”

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